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Undergraduate Programs

  • The Integrated Social Studies Education Program leads to a Bachelor of Science Degree (BS) and a license in education. 

  • The Bachelor of Arts in Humanities — Interdisciplinary Studies prepares students for a wide range of careers by fostering the adaptability, critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills necessary for personal and professional success in the 21st century.

  • The Intervention Specialist Education (Mild/Moderate) Program leads to a Bachelor of Science Degree (BS) and a license in education. 

  • The BA in Broadcast Media curriculum prepares students for careers in the broadcast industry and provides hands-on training, including access to the following campus media: The Gold Torch newspaper, WCSU-FM radio station, and Gold Torch TV; and encourages participation in pre-professional organizations such as the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), National Communication Association (NCA), National Electronic Media Association/AERho (NBS-AERho), and Communication Club. Completion of an internship in broadcast media is required.

  • The  Life Science Education Program leads to a Bachelor of Science Degree (BS) and a license in education. 

  • The overall Manufacturing Engineering curriculum consists of strong components of mathematics, basic sciences, engineering sciences, humanities, and social sciences.

  • The Mathematics (MTH) program at Central State University offers a 4-year program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics.

  • The Middle Childhood Education Program leads to a Bachelor of Science Degree (BS) and a license in education. 

  • The Philosophy & Religion program offers a minor in Philosophy & Religion and supports the university’s general education curriculum with introductory courses in philosophy, religion, ethics, and critical thinking. The program also offers upper-level courses that support a range of major and minor degree programs across the university. The program has special strengths in social, political, and moral philosophy, and its pluralistic curriculum offers students the opportunity to study thinkers and texts from diverse historical and geographical intellectual traditions. Analytical thinking, analytical writing, and creativity are the core skills students develop when taking courses in the Philosophy & Religion program. Students learn practical ways of applying philosophy in their majors, their professions, and their everyday lives.

  • The Physical Science Education Program leads to a Bachelor of Science Degree (BS) and a license in education. 

  • This program has two components: academic and professional. The academic component prepares students for graduate school by offering a variety of accepted courses.