
Office of the Registrar


The Office of the Registrar supports the University by providing services to students, faculty, and staff while ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of academic records.

Spring 2025 registration opens

Spring registration is just around the corner! Starting Oct. 8 (and Oct. 7 for active duty military, veterans, and dependents of veterans), you will be able to secure your spot in the upcoming semester. Please follow the steps below to ensure a smooth registration process. 

Learn More

We're here for you


24/7 Onestop is your one-stop shop for all inquiries from prospective and enrolled students. Have billing questions? Want to check the status of your application or get help with financial aid? Browse help articles to find answers to common questions, call 866-974-2410, or visit 24/7 Onestop on the web. 


In coordination with various campus offices, we uphold academic policies related to class and event schedules, the academic catalog, registration services, degree verifications, grade processing, and degree audit configuration.  

Norman E. Ward Sr. Center, Ground Floor
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. | Monday through Friday

O: 937-376-6232
E: registrar@centralstate.edu

  • Central State University Marauders enjoy a full academic calendar each year, from move-in day to Homecoming and critical deadlines to major University events such as Charter Day.

    2024-2025 Academic Calendar

    Other calendars 

    2024 Summer Academic Calendar

    2023-2024 Academic Calendar

    2023 Summer Academic Calendar

    2022-2023 Academic Calendar

    2022 Spring Academic Calendar

    2021 Fall Academic Calendar

    2020-2021 Academic Calendar

  • * African Studies

    * Biology

    * Business

    * Chemistry

    * Computational Science

    * Computer Science

    * Creative Writing

    * Criminal Justice

    * Environmental Humanities

    * Environmental Science

    * Exercise Science

    * Forensic Science

    * French

    * Gender & Sexuality Studies

    * Gerontology

    * History

    * International Languages & Cultures

    * International Studies

    * Journalism & Digital Media

    * Literature

    * Mathematics

    * Military Science

    * Nuclear Engineering

    * Nutrition

    * Philosophy & Religion

    * Political Science

    * Pre-Law Interdisciplinary

    * Psychology

    * Public Relations

    * Sociology

    * Sound Engineering & Recording

    * Spanish

    * Speech/Theatre

    * Sustainable Agriculture

    * Water Resource Management

  • College of Business

    Accounting, BS

    Business Administration, BS

    • Agribusiness
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Finance
    • Hospitality Management
    • International Business
    • Management
    • Management Information Systems
    • Marketing

    Masters of Business Administration, MBA

    College of Education

    Agricultural Education, BS

    • B.S. Agricultural Education (Licensure)
    • B.S. Agricultural Education Extension
    • Online Agricultural Education Extension Certificate

    Educational Studies, BSE

    Integrated Language Arts, BSE

    Integrated Mathematics Education, BSE

    Integrated Social Studies Education, BSE

    Intervention Specialist Education, BSE

    Life Sciences Education, BSE

    Middle Childhood Education, BSE

    Music Education, BM

    Primary (PK-5), BSE

    Physical Science Education, BSE

    Recreation, BS

    College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences


    • Journalism and Digital Media, BA

    Criminal Justice, BS


    • Literature, BA
    • Pre-Law, BA

    Graphic Design, BA

    History, BA

    Interdisciplinary Studies, BA

    Jazz Studies, BM

    Music Performance, BM

    Political Science

    • Public Administration, BA

    Psychology, BA, BS

    Social Work, BA, BS

    Sociology, BA, BS

    Studio Art, BA

    John W. Garland College of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture

    Biology, BS

    Chemistry, BS

    Computer Science, BS

    Environmental Engineering, BS

    Exercise Science, BS

    • Sports Performance
    • Wellness
    • Clinical

    Industrial Technology

    • Computer Technology, BS
    • Manufacturing Management, BS

    Manufacturing Engineering, BS

    Mathematics, BS

    Sustainable Agriculture, BS

    Water Resources Management

    • Environmental Engineering, BS
  • To comply with Federal Title IV regulations, Central State University must collect information on whether a student begins attending/participating in a class. Attendance reporting is mandatory and must be entered per the academic calendar; otherwise, the results can be catastrophic to students and the Institution.

    Attendance must be taken for each student enrolled in every course at Central State, whether it is a traditional, hybrid, or online course.  If a student is present for any class meeting or part of a class meeting during the entire term, the student has established eligibility for financial aid.

    Attendance is a critical element in being a successful student. The University expects students to attend all classes. The instructor of record is responsible for monitoring attendance and will include an attendance policy in the course syllabus.

    Failure to attend class can affect a student’s overall grade in a course and may affect their financial aid status.

    Faculty members, as representatives of their individual programs, may maintain specific attendance requirements for their respective courses. Each faculty member within their program will determine the percent of the final course grade contributed by the attendance grade. Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to these policies.

    The University recognizes that school-sponsored activities are part of the education process and that such an activity may conflict with a scheduled class. These situations require discussion among the teacher, student, and supervisor of the activity so that all parties understand the effects of not attending the class. Students who are absent because of University business MUST personally notify faculty of impending absences and discuss class work. Athletes who are absent from two consecutive classes must be reported immediately to the Athletic Compliance office at 937-376-6295 for student intervention by the athletic department.

  • Add/Drop Form

    • This form can be used to add/drop a course or courses but not for a total withdrawal. Students withdrawing from the University must complete a withdrawal form.

    Total Withdrawal Form

    • This form can be used to withdraw from all classes.

    Academic Appeals Form

    • Do NOT complete this form for grade appeals.

    Grade Appeal Request Form

    • This process begins with the Office of the Registrar before moving to the individual college for review. Once college leaders make a final decision, they notify the Office of the Registrar of the decision, and associated updates are made based on the college's decision. 

    Traditional Student Major Declaration Form

    • Complete this form if you want to change your major and are living on or commuting to campus.

    Online Students Major Declarations Form

    • Complete this form if you want to change your major and are taking classes completely online and do not live on or commute to campus.

    Overload Request Form

    • To register for courses beyond the normal study load (18 credit hours for fall and spring or 11 for summer), you must receive permission from your advisor, department chairperson, and dean. An approved overload is up to 21 credit hours for fall and spring or up to 12 for summer. Approval for more than 21 credit hours for fall or spring or 12 for summer for graduating seniors may be granted by the provost.

    Veteran Enrollment Verification Form

    • Note: This form must be submitted every semester

    Enrollment Verification

    Personal Information Change

    • Complete this form to update your name, address, and/or phone number.  For name changes, you must email proof of legal name change to registrar@centralstate.edu.

    Transient Form

  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

    FERPA gives parents certain rights concerning their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when they reach the age of 18 or attend a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are considered eligible students.

    • Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, parents or eligible students can't review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
    • Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records that they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
    • Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
      • School officials with legitimate educational interests;
      • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
      • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
      • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
      • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
      • Accrediting organizations;
      • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
      • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
      • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

    Schools may disclose, without consent, directory information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

    Get the latest on FERPA at https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/?src=fpco.


    • Classes not listed or starting on the half-hour will hold final exams on the last day of the regularly scheduled class meeting time.
    • Fully online classes will have final exam dates and times as determined by the instructor during final exam week.
    • MTH 1550 and MTH 1750 have a common exam time outside of the final exam schedule with information provided by each instructor.
    • Final exam week for prospective spring graduation seniors will be held the week before classes end.

    Fall 2024 Exam Schedule (updated 8/12/2024)

  • Official academic transcripts can be ordered online. Click here to order your official transcript

    Students with past due financial obligations to Central State University may have their transcript orders suspended or returned.  If you have an outstanding financial obligation, please reach out to the Cash Management Office.

    Transcripts are processed within three to five business days. However, additional processing days may be necessary during peak periods at the beginning and end of terms. Also, transcripts are not processed on days when the University is closed.

    Electronic delivery (fastest service): A credit card is required for this service

    While electronic transcripts are widely accepted, confirm with your recipients that they will accept this format before ordering. An electronic (secure, certified PDF) transcript is considered official in its electronic form as long as it is not altered. Each time the file is opened, it will be certified electronically (internet connection required) to ensure that it has not been altered.  You are only allotted three opportunities to download your document. A printed copy of a PDF transcript is NOT considered official.

    Official paper transcript

    A paper transcript is considered official as long as it remains in its sealed envelope. Do not open the sealed envelope if you are forwarding the document to another party (an institution, employer or another person). Open the envelope only if you have ordered the transcript for personal use.

    Paper transcripts cannot be picked up in the office.

  • Click here to view the schedule of classes

    For all undergraduate semester courses, the first digit signifies the course level:

    1: Freshman level (ENG 1101)

    2: Sophomore level (ACC 2210)

    3: Junior level (MGT 3380)

    4: Senior level (SWK 4201)

    Graduate and professional courses

    MBA courses are all 5000- and 6000-level courses

    Courses section codes

    W = Online: The course is completely virtual

    H = Hybrid: The course has both virtual and in-person components

    Z = Honors: Only students in University Honors College may enroll in these courses

  • Senior Salute is an event for traditional, in-person May graduates. The event will be held on Central State University's main campus.

  • Effective 11/18/22
    Effective Term Spring 2023
    Central State University will evaluate and award transfer credit from post-secondary institutions holding accreditation from any of the regional accrediting associations recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). College-level coursework completed at institutions that are non-regionally accredited are not eligible for transfer credit.   
    Any student applying for admission to Central State University must have transcripts sent to the Office of Admission. The registrar will review transcripts, determine the applicability of transfer credits, and notify the student when the process is complete. Transfer credit hour values are awarded based on the credit hour value assigned by the originating institution, and any conversion to semester credit hours will be completed before transfer credit is awarded.  
    For all undergraduate courses taken before autumn 2005, students must have earned a grade equivalent to a ‘C-’ or higher for courses to be eligible for transfer credit. For all undergraduate courses taken in autumn 2005 or later, students must have earned a grade equivalent to a ‘D’ or higher for courses to be eligible for transfer credit. Courses transferred in with a ‘D’ grade may not satisfy program requirements. Undergraduate courses that have been awarded a non-standard passing grade (P/Pass; S/Satisfactory) are eligible for transfer credit. 
    Central State University will accept Advanced Place Credit Program credits (AP) and College Level Examination Program credits (CLEP) under the auspices of the College Board. To receive transfer credit for AP courses, a high school student must have completed an official AP course and taken the test in that subject. Credit is granted for test scores of 3, 4, or 5. Students earning satisfactory scores in the CLEP examination will be granted the same amount of credit granted to students who successfully complete the course. See the CLEP Aligned Courses/Credit chart for exam and course equivalencies and required CLEP score required for transfer credit.  
    Students enrolled in a four-year undergraduate degree program may be awarded a maximum of 90 transfer credit hours. Students enrolled in a one-year certificate or a one-year technical certificate may be awarded transfer credit for up to 20 percent of the credits required for the certificate. Students enrolled in a short-term certificate, or a short-term technical certificate are not eligible for transfer credit.  
    Courses older than twenty years from the current academic year will not be eligible for transfer credit. Courses that are deemed remedial or developmental are not eligible for transfer credit.  
    If a student wishes to challenge a decision of the registrar, an appeal must be submitted in writing to the associate registrar or designee. The associate registrar, or designee, will review the appeal to determine if the Transfer Credit Policy was appropriately applied. If the policy was misapplied, a correction would be issued. If the policy was applied correctly, the appeal would be provided to the appropriate Department Chair, Dean, or designee for review. Once a final decision has been made, it will be provided to the student by the associate registrar. 

  • All students receiving federal benefits for veterans and dependents are obligated to follow regulations of the Federal Benefits Program and those of the University. The Registrar is the certifying officer. The following University regulations are applied:

    1. All veterans are required to submit a copy of their DD 214.
    2. All veterans are required to submit a copy of their COE (Certificate of Eligibility).
    3. All veterans must be certified each semester. It will be the veteran’s responsibility to notify the certifying officer in the Office of the Registrar of any changes in the Semester Class Schedule.
    4. Veterans Affairs will not pay for courses outside of a student’s academic requirement.
    5. All veterans are responsible for notifying the certifying officer of any repeated courses.
    6. All veterans are required to alert the Office of the Registrar when adding a course, dropping a course, or withdrawing from the University.
    7. Any veteran receiving incomplete grades (“I”) during any semester must remove those incompletes by the last day of the sixth week of the following semester enrolled (See also under FINANCIAL AID AND THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM-GRADING).
    8. All veterans are responsible for notifying the certifying officer of any transfer work.
    9. Veterans’ benefits will be discontinued for any veteran student who has been required to withdraw. Recipients of Title IV and/or Veterans’ Educational Benefits will be required to complete successfully a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. A Title IV student who must repeat a course that was originally paid for with Title IV monies will be required to pay for the repeat course with the student’s own funds.
    10. Students receiving VA benefits who repeat a course three or more times may incur a debt with Veterans Affairs.