Central State Global Union Program Enrollment Process

How to Complete my Application to the Central State Global Union Program

Central State Global Announces the Central State Global Grant!
Central State University’s online unit, Central State Global, is excited to announce our new partnership with Union Plus, the AFL-CIO’s member benefits program.

Please take a moment to read the important information below on how to complete your application and submit official documents to Central State University (CSU) for evaluation of your application and final decision.  You do not need to reapply if you are currently enrolled or have received your letter of acceptance.

Global Union Online Admissions and Enrollment Process
There are three steps to the Global Online Application and Enrollment Process:

  • Step 1: Acceptance to CSU
  • Step 2: Transfer Credit Evaluation
  • Step 3: Course Registration. 

Below are key steps to ensure your application and enrollment process goes smoothly. Please read and follow the processes below to successfully complete your admissions and enrollment process.

Step 1: Office of Online Admissions – Application Process

For Step 1, your application and documents are submitted to our online admissions office. After you submit your online application, follow the flowchart below to submit your official documents.

  • To ensure the accuracy of your application, see the link below: Tips for Completing the Central State Global Union Program Application
  • Note: On the online application, be sure to select Global Union in the dropdown menu of the Student Type field.

It is essential to monitor your application checklist for the latest updates. Please allow adequate time to the processing time for each step, as noted in the application, and avoid sending status tickets or emails, which can and will slow down or impede the processing of your application. After your file is complete, a decision will be rendered within 14 to 21 business days. Do not send application status inquiries, as these inquiries require research time.

  • Note: If you were accepted to the institution while attending another institution, you must submit your final updated official transcript with your graduation date or final course grades during the first semester of classes. An admissions hold will be placed on your account, preventing you from proceeding with the following registration session, awarding future financial grants, etc.


To be eligible for the Central State Global Program, you or your family member must complete the Union Verification Form. Contact your Union for completion of the form, then upload the document to your application checklist.


Please remember to have all your official transcripts sent directly from all previously attended institutions. Our office runs a prior enrollment history check to identify attendance at all institutions. You must list all institutions on your application. Suppose a college or university is listed on your National Student Clearinghouse record, but you did not attend the institution. In that case, you must request a letter of non-attendance from that institution and have it sent directly to Central State University.

Official transcripts must come directly from the institution and be sealed. If sending official transcripts directly from the institution by regular mail, please mail them to the following:

Central State University
Office of Online Admissions – Transcripts
PO Box 1004
Wilberforce, OH 45384

Application Process

Graphic identifying the Union Program Application Process

After your Acceptance to CSU, you will receive an Acceptance Email. A few days later, you will receive your CSU Credentials (CSU Identification Number and CSU Email Address and Instructions). An additional email will be sent to you with instructions on how to log into your D2L Learning Management account. Creating your CSU email account is essential in your receiving time-sensitive and vital communications from the Registrar, Online Advising Team, and other campus offices.

Tips for Completing the Central State Global Union Program Application

Be sure your application is submitted correctly. Review our Tips for Completing the Central State Global Union Program Application.

Step 2: Registrar – Transfer Credit Evaluation Process

Your file will now move to Step 2: Transfer Credit Evaluation.

The online transcript evaluation team will evaluate all official transcripts for course acceptance within 30 to 60 business days or sooner. You will receive a notification from the Office of the Registrar about completing your transcript evaluation and information about the next step – Step 3: Course Registration, on how to contact your online advisor to schedule your appointment for course registration.

Note: Please do not contact the Office of Admissions for transfer credit status updates. If you have not received any updates within the 30 to 60 business days period, contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@centralstate.edu.

Transfer Credit Evaluation Process

Graphic showing the transfer of credits process

Step 3: Online Advising (MOSAIC) – Course Registration Process

Your file will now move to Step 3: Course Registration.

The Marauder Online Student Advising and Information Center (MOSAIC) online advising team will meet with you to schedule your online advising and registration session. Your online advisor will assist you with course registration and onboarding information after enrolling at CSU.


  • NOTE: Be sure to use your CSU email to schedule your appointment with your assigned online advisor, and contact your online advisor directly for any questions.


Online Advising Process

Graphic showing the Online Advising process

Once you complete all these steps, you will be fully enrolled at Central State University.  

Set up Advising Appointment with your MOSAIC Advisor

Still Have Questions?

Central State Global Union Grant FAQ

  • Pell-eligible students will not see any changes in the program and will not have an out-of-pocket cost for tuition and most fees. The only fee Pell-eligible students must pay is a $150 Processing fee at the beginning of each enrollment term, which will be an out-of-pocket expense.

  • Students will not have to pay for books.

  • The Grant is a need-based financial award calculated and awarded to make up the difference between tuition and fees and the maximum Pell award amount.

    • Business Administration - Management Concentration
    • Criminal Justice
    • Interdisciplinary Studies
    • Education Studies
    • Primary PK-5 Program
    • Intervention Specialist (Mild/Moderate - K12)
  • The tuition rate is $250 per credit for in-state and out- of-state students. A total of 12-18 credit hours will be charged at a full-time rate of 12-18 credits, e.g., a maximum of $3,000.

    The new lower tuition rate will replace the Merit-based Institutional aid (the GPA based scholarships) that CSU has been offering to help lower the out-of-pocket expense for Global Union program students.

  • A semester is 16 weeks long. An enrollment term is offered in two 8-week sessions. Students in the Union programs typically enroll in 8-week sessions but can enroll in a 16-week semester.

  • Yes, loans are available to those who submit a FAFSA and qualify. If you plan to use loans, the Department of Education requires you to enroll in at least twelve credit hours per fall and spring semester or six credit hours per 8-week enrollment term.

Contact Us with Your Questions

Please use the links below to contact the following offices for any questions or inquiries.

  • Transfer Credit Evaluation Status, Transfer Credit Issues, Graduation, Course Withdrawals, Catalog,
  • Contact your online advisor directly with any questions about course registration, schedules, onboarding, registration, etc.