Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Program map
- Successfully complete CRJ 2210 Introduction to Criminal Justice
- Attend Criminal Justice program sponsored events
- Meet with the Criminal Justice Program Faculty
- Join a Student Organization or Student Club
- Explore different Minors related to the field to declare
- Attend Criminal Justice program sponsored events
- Declare a Minor such as Forensic Studies or Political Science or Sociology
- Attend CSU Career Fair Events
- Meet with your advisor to track your degree progress
- Attend CRJ Events
- Research potential graduate or law school
- Take the GRE or LSAT
- Research workforce opportunities, visit Career Services
- Meet with CRJ Faculty Advisor
- Locate and apply for Internships (Not Required)
- Attend CRJ Events
- Meet with CRJ Faculty Advisor
- Complete Graduation Requirements
- Apply to graduate or law school
- Meet with Career Services
- Apply for jobs in the workforce
- Degree Awarded
- Completion of all requirements for next steps (graduate or law school or workforce)
- Visit CSU during homecoming and mentor undergraduate criminal justice students.
The Central State University Criminal Justice Program is dedicated to delivering cutting-edge academic experience in scholarship and skill development. This includes critical thinking that focuses on issues related to crime, deviance, and the criminal justice system. In addition, the program is focused on graduating a diverse population prepared for criminal justice leadership, research, and service. Graduates of the program will be prepared for immediate professional careers in law enforcement, corrections, or the courts and further advancement through postgraduate studies. The Criminal Justice program promotes ethical and equitable treatment for all.
The Criminal Justice program provides an overview of the criminal justice system, the causes of crime, and issues relating to social control. The major is structured around a core of Criminal Justice courses that include topics in law enforcement, the judicial process, and correctional system. The course of study consists of a general overview of the components of the criminal justice system.
Required general education courses (32 credit hours)
ENG 1100 or ENG 1101, ENG 1102, MTH 1550 or MTH 1750, USS 1000, HIS 1110 or HIS 1121 or HIS 1122, PHI 2240 (Required Humanities), SOC 1105, PSY 1200, Natural and Physical Sciences — seven credit hours from two different disciplines from List D; one must include a lab; one HHP Activity from List E.
Required Criminal Justice courses (52-53 credit hours)
CRJ 2210, CRJ 2310, CRJ 2330, CRJ 2410, CRJ 3310, CRJ 3340, CRJ 4655, CRJ 4895, CRJ/SOC 2206, SOC 3333, and 20-21 hours in Criminal Justice electives.
Additional general education and University electives (36-37 credit hours)
Special requirements to earn a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice:
- A grade-point average in the major concentration of at least 2.0.
- The minimum credit hours are 120 to graduate.
- Degree seekers must meet a “C” or better in all required criminal justice and sociology courses.
- Criminal Justice majors must complete PHI 2240, PSY 1200 and SOC 1105.
Minor in Criminal Justice (24 credit hours)
CRJ 2210, CRJ 2310, CRJ 2330, CRJ 3310, CRJ 3340, CRJ 4655, SOC 3333 and a four-credit hour natural/physical science with lab from List D.
A grade of “C” or better is required for all Criminal Justice courses and SOC 3333.
Minor in Forensic Studies (24 credit hours)
Coming Fall 2024!
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View page 192 of the Central State University Course Catalog 2023-2025 for the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice curriculum schedule by semester.
CRJ 2210. Introduction to Criminal Justice (I, II; 3) An overview of the criminal justice field including its historical development, contemporary structures and functions, and emerging trends in each segment of the system.
CRJ 2220. Introduction to Courts (On Demand; 3) This course covers the historical and contemporary perspectives on law and the courts. Students will also learn about the various functions of the courts at the federal, state, and local levels as well as the personnel, pretrial and trial processes, plea bargaining, sentencing, and trends in adjudication.
CRJ/PSC/PSY/SWK/SOC 2206. Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences (I, II; 4)This course provides students with an introduction to basic statistical techniques used by researchers in the social and behavioral sciences. Major topics include frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and variation, regression and correlation, and hypothesis testing. A computer lab is required with this course. Prerequisite: MTH 1750 or MTH 1550, grade “D” or better.
CRJ 2310. Corrections in America (II; 3) An overview of the American correctional system as it relates to local, state, and federal correctional agencies. The course will cover the history and development of correctional policies and practices, criminal sentencing, jail, prisons, alternative sentencing, prisoner rights, rehabilitation and parole and probation. Current philosophies of corrections and the issues surrounding the roles and effectiveness of criminal sentences, institutional procedures, technological developments, and special populations.
CRJ 2330. Police and Society (II; 3) An introductory course which provides students with an overview of the role of the police in American society. It will explore diversity and critically evaluate the direction and trends in modern police agencies. Particular attention will be given to the origins of policing, the nature of police organizations and police work, and patterns of relations between the police and the public. Prerequisite: CRJ 2210.
CRJ 2410. Research Methods in Criminal Justice (On Demand; 4) This course covers the major techniques/criminological researchers use to answer empirical questions. Major topics include conceptualization, measurement, sampling, research designs (quantitative and qualitative, surveys), evaluation, and ethical issues in research as they specifically apply to criminal justice. Students will design and conduct research utilizing quantitative or qualitative research. Prerequisites: Must be a criminal justice major; CRJ 2210 with a grade of “C” or better, SOC 2206 with a grade of "C” or better.
CRJ/COM 3000. Crime and the Media (On Demand; 3) This course focuses on the role of the media in the social construction of crime. It covers the public's perception of crime and the criminal justice system, the media's influence on crime policy, and the way news and other information sources can help solve a crime. Prerequisite: CRJ 2210 OR COM 2200.
CRJ 3305. Criminal Investigation (On Demand; 3) This course will help students understand the investigative process as it relates to developing a criminal case. This includes how an investigation is started, the elements of an investigation, and the process of identifying or eliminating an individual as a suspect. Students will also be exposed to how investigators locate key witnesses, as well as identifying the difference between an interview and interrogation. Prerequisites: CRJ 2210 and CRJ 2330.
CRJ 3310. Criminal Procedures (I; 3) This course covers the basic constitutional rights associated with the investigation and adjudication of criminal cases. Particular attention is given to the problems of arrest; search and seizure; self-incrimination; coerced confession; wiretapping; right to counsel; bail; speedy trial; discovery; plea bargaining; double jeopardy; and the retroactive effect of decisions. Prerequisite: CRJ 2210.
CRJ 3320. Crime Prevention (On Demand; 3): This course will offer a well-rounded exploration of evidence-based policies, programs, and practice in crime prevention. With a focus on criminological theory and emphasizing the social, psychological, and biological roots of crime, this course presents current research, perspectives, and examples that capture the key crime prevention concepts in reducing crime and victimization. Students will be required to assess the vulnerability of an establishment to crime and strategies to resolve vulnerabilities. Prerequisites: CRJ 2210; SOC 3333, Sophomore standing.
CRJ 3335. White-Collar Crime (I; 3) This course will examine various crimes referred to as white-collar crime. The types of crimes explored will include different forms of illegal business activities, fraud, bribery, computer crimes, medical and educational crimes, embezzlement, tax evasion, conspiracy and organizational crimes, and crimes committed by the government. The purpose of the course will be to describe, analyze and assess the social impact of these types of offenses as well as examine the responsibilities, powers and activities of various agencies which have jurisdiction over these crimes. Prerequisites: CRJ 2210 and SOC 3333.
CRJ 3336. Women and Crime (On-Demand; 3) This course addresses the role of women in the Criminal Justice System. Women as offenders, victims, and professionals are discussed. Prerequisite: Completion of CRJ 2210.
CRJ 3340. Criminal Law (II; 3) An examination of the central principles of criminal law, which include the substantive elements defining criminal conduct for specific crimes and the various exculpatory conditions of criminal liability. Prerequisite: CRJ 2210 and SOC 3333.
CRJ 3350. Crime Scene Analysis (On demand; 4) This course will introduce students to techniques of crime scene analysis. Students learn how to photograph, map, and sketch a crime scene as well as gather various types of evidence. Students also practice how to testify in a trial setting as a crime scene investigator. A one-hour lab is included with this course. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.
CRJ 3351. Seminar in Criminal Justice (I; 3) An in-depth analysis of a contemporary issue in criminal justice. Topics may include, but are not limited to, issues related to women in crime, sex crimes, juvenile crimes, and computer crimes. Prerequisites: Completion of six semester hours in criminal justice courses and CRJ 2210 (Students may only take this course twice with different topics)
CRJ 3362. Administration of Correctional Institutions (II; 3) An examination of classifications, training, treatment, security, custody, and discipline in correctional institutions. Prerequisites: CRJ 2210 and 3310
CRJ 4421. Police Organization and Management (II; 3) Administrative structures, functions and supervision of personnel in police organizations. Various models will be studied. Prerequisites: CRJ 2210 and 2330.
CRJ 4432. Probation and Parole (I; 3) Basic principles of probation of juveniles and adults. Topics include presentence, pre-hearing, pre-parole, investigations, administrative organizations, and supervision. Prerequisites: Completion of six semester hours in criminal justice courses and CRJ 2310.
CRJ 4510 Human Trafficking (On Demand; 3) Human Trafficking is an upper-level course that focuses on the contemporary issues and current research of human trafficking. Students will learn terminology and advance their knowledge of the different types of human trafficking that exist as well as the scope of the problem at the domestic and international level. Students will expand their knowledge regarding the physical, emotional, and psychological trauma experienced by victims of human trafficking. Students will also examine the various tactics used to recruit and control human trafficking victims. Finally, this course examines the roles that the government, media, and other organizations play in the exploitation as well as the prevention of human trafficking. Prerequisite: CRJ 2210 with a grade of “C” or better, SOC 3333 with a grade of “C” or better, and Junior Standing, or instructor permission
CRJ 4520 Terrorism (On Demand; 3) This course offers students a comprehensive, interdisciplinary exploration of domestic and international terrorism in the contemporary era, focusing on post-World War II period as its primary emphasis. A serious exploration will be made of the underlying causes of terrorism as well as a review of the nations, movements, and individuals who have engaged in what many refer to as terrorist violence. This course will critically examine the theories that explain the underlying causes of modern terrorist violence. Prerequisites: CRJ 2210 with a minimum grade of “C”; SOC 3333 with a minimum grade of “C” and junior standing or consent of instructor.
CRJ 4655. Juvenile Justice (I; 3) This course is designed to introduce the student to the organizations, processes and actors that comprise the Juvenile Justice System. The emphasizes the history of the juvenile justice system, the agency interactions and interrelationships, the concepts of prevention and diversion, the development of juvenile gangs, the roles of criminal justice professionals, and the future of the Juvenile Justice System. Prerequisite: CRJ 2210 or Instructor permission.
CRJ 4895. Senior Capstone for Criminal Justice (II; 3) This is a required course for criminal justice majors. The emphasis will be on the major areas of the criminal justice system which include law enforcement, the courts, and the correctional system. In addition, the review will cover various crime theories and reporting agencies. Students will develop a comprehensive project that reflects their understanding of one of the three areas of the criminal justice system. The use of crime theories and statistical data bases (i.e., UCR, BJS, and other data websites) will be expected. Prerequisite: SOC 2206, CRJ 2410, and senior standing.
CRJ 4896. Internship in Criminal Justice (I, II; 4) This course will consist of students working directly in a criminal justice agency or setting. The course will give students hands-on experience within the field of criminal justice. Students will work 12 hours a week at the location chosen by the student and criminal justice faculty advisor. Prerequisites: A minimum of 12 hours in criminal justice and prior approval from the faculty advisor responsible for the internship
Criminal Justice faculty
Dr. Bradley Buckmeier, Assistant Professor
Charles H. Wesley Arts and Science Building
Room 127B
937-376-6423 | bbuckmeier@centralstate.edu
Dr. Brandi Thomas, Assistant Professor
Charles H. Wesley Arts & Science Building
Room 127A
937-376-6660 | bthomas@centralstate.edu