Agricultural Education Extension Certificate

The 30 Semester Agricultural Education Certificate prepares you to facilitate learning to various audiences and age groups. Designed for Extension Educators, Public School Teachers, Business Professionals, or Community Leaders interested in learning to teach others about agriculture. 

Courses of Study

The Online Certificate Program includes 30 Semester Hours of coursework, 6 Semester Hours of Agriculture Content (Including Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness), 12 Semester hours of Agricultural Education, and 12 semester hours of Extension-related Internships. For a full list of courses, download the above PDF sheet. The Ag Ed Certificate fulfills the 30 Semester hours of Content needed to complete a B.S. in Educational Studies.


Major Field and Other Requirements


AGR 1150- Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture OR AGB 2300 Introduction to Agribusiness (3)

AGR 2350- Community Agriculture OR AGED 1010 Community Advocacy (3)

GED 3110- Agriscience Foundations (3)

AGED 3115- Addressing Diverse Populations in Agriculture (3)

AGED 3100- The Adult Classroom (3)

AGED 4110- Studen LEadership Organizations (3)

AGED 4500- Extension Internship l (6)

AGED 4500- Extention Internship ll (6)

Total Credit Hours for this certificate = 30



Katrina Swinehart-Held, Ph.D.

Associate Professor 

O: 937-376-6036
