COE Dean's List

College of Education Academic Acknowledgement and Educational Opportunities

Academic Acknowledgement

2024-2025 77th Miss Central State University

Congratulations to Breanne Lovelace, a Primary Education major, who has been selected as the 77th Miss Central State University for the 2024-2025 academic year!


OEA Aspiring Educator

The OEA Aspiring Educators (OEA-AE) is a unique community within the Ohio Education Association (OEA) supporting undergraduate and graduate students as they prepare for careers in education. This community is active on college and university campuses across the state, providing members with the support they need to complete their education training and empowering them to be active, successful, and visible members of their profession.


Congratulations to Nicole Holt for receiving a $5,000 scholarship from the Ohio Education Association!

Nicole Holt

Congratulations to the Fall 2023 College of Education Dean's List! 

Aaron Whiteside

I am dedicated to providing collaborative efforts with my peers and the College of Education. 

Aaron Whiteside
Mister College of Education, 2023-24, Agricultural Education major
Acia Clark

As a college, we are committed to inspiring progress, passion, and resilience within our community of aspiring educators.


Acia Clark
Miss College of Education, 2023-24, Educational Studies major

Congratulations to the 2022-23 College of Education Graduates!

The College of Education is proud of our 2022-23 graduates for completing the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) and preparing to change young lives in the classroom! Photos taken of CoE graduates are located by using the link below.

Educational Opportunities

Ofori Attah